Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Letter from Elder Peacock...1/21/11

OH yeah, I have seen Ethan Bowler, Nathan Findlay, and like a week ago, Logan Waite got here and he is on the same floor as me, and his room is just 4 doors down from mine, so thats pretty cool. I'll send home more pictures real soon.

Um, as for me, nothing really new ever happens. We do pretty much the exact same thing everyday, but none the less, it is pretty good. The language is still coming pretty good. We got a new MTC presidency like a week ago and that was pretty cool and my branch (of like 40 people) got to meet him first because he came to our sacrament meeting, He is really awesome -- his name is Gordon D. Brown he was a doctor at UVRM for like 35 years, he's really great though.

Ok, so I'll give you some Portuguese to have some fun reading and trying to pronounce, and if you want me to I'll tell you what it said next week. It's my testimony: Eu sei que Jesus Cristo é o salvador do mundo. Eu sei que Deus enviou o Sue filho Jesus Cristo á Terra para expiar por nossos pecados. O Salvador fez um sacrificio expiartorio infinito, atréves a expiacão podemos receber a vida eterna. Eu sei que Joseph Smith foi um profeta de Dues, e Ele traduzia O Livro de Mórmon pelo poder de Deus e Espirito Santo. Eu sei que nos temos um profeta hóje, Ele nome é Thomas S. Monson. Eu sei que O Livro de Mórmon é verdadeiro. Eu estou grato por minha familia, Eu amo voces.

I miss and love you all very much, stay safe,

Love Elder Peacock

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